syntax on "visual bell set vb set ruler set wildmenu "automatically set when editing c, c++ files "set cindent "Insert spaces, if tab is pressed (also: set et). disable with: set noexpandtab or: set noet "use retab to apply settings to whole file set expandtab "number of spaces for expandtab set tabstop=2 "number of space characters inserted for indention set shiftwidth=2 filetype plugin on filetype indent on set backspace=2 set showcmd set listchars=tab:.\ ,trail:- "display listchars, disable with: set nolist set list "Statuszeile immer an set laststatus=2 set updatetime=250 "waehrend der Sucheingabe gleich zum Wort springen und markieren set incsearch "Suche casesensitiv falls Grossbuchstabe im Suchwort set smartcase "Suche nicht casesensitiv set ignorecase "Suchergebnise hervorheben set hlsearch set nowrap "use 256-color-xterm capabilites if not in gui mode "if has("gui_running") " colorscheme beauty256 "else set t_Co=256 " colorscheme beauty256 "endif colo blue "black bg "colo torte "white bg "colo morning "mappings for programming.. "start method nmap gsm 99[{ "end method nmap gem 99]} "start ( nmap gsc [( "end ) nmap gec ]) "start { nmap gsb [{ "end } nmap geb ]} "search again with quickfix window "go search again nmap gsa :vimgrep // % \|:copen "plugin settings "always show let g:miniBufExplorerMoreThanOne=0 "navigate with vim direction keys let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim=1