UTC: 14.03.2025  21:33 UTC+1: 14.03.2025  22:33 (Germany) About select languageflag Germany  >flag United-Kingdom

Martin's Programs
connection.zip (5.62 MB) This is a tic tac toe like 3d game using neural networks.
The board size can be specified.
It was a term project during my years of study.
This file contains the complete game inclusive source code and documentation.
Can be compiled on Linux.
connectionWin.zip (0.73 MB) This file contains the procompiled executable for Windows of the previous game.
plums.zip (0.22 MB) A nice tetris clone. I wrote it in delphi some time ago.

Eee PC 1000H
eeectl.ini (0.01 MB) Configuration file for the tool eeectl which can be used for the Eee PC 1000H.

bashrc (0 MB) Several bash shell settings.
vimrc (0 MB) Several vim settings. May be added to ~/.vimrc
scrollbar.vim (0.01 MB) Scrollbar for vim using sign. Place it in ~/.vim/plugin. Modfied version of https://github.com/lornix/vim-scrollbar
fontFormatting (0.01 MB) Definitions for font formatting using echo command.
beauty256.vim (0 MB) Vim colorscheme. Place it in ~/.vim/colors. Modified version of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2197

FreeCADMacros (0 MB) FreeCAD macro to print selected edge length.